Friday, November 25, 2011


Segmenting can provide lasting value for companies. In Macy's the area that they like to target is just about anybody due to their wide variety of products. Their thing is to let people shop by body type. Lets take swimsuit shopping for example. For many women, including me, shopping for a swimsuit is a difficult thing to do. You're far from being tan and forget that certain swimsuit cuts look awful until you put them on. But wouldn’t it be great to skip the trial and error step? Yes, so both Macy’s and Nordstrom have “Swimsuit finder” sections in their websites that allow for customers to sort and view swimsuits that are flattering to their self-selected body type. If I’m pear-shaped, I’m directed towards different styles than if I were hourglass-shaped. This motivates the customers to shop only at certain places due to options like this. Making you feel comfortable as to shop by body type.

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